Q: Why do I have to drink so much?
A: This is a large amount to drink but it works by flushing out your system of waste material over several hours. The solution gently “washes” the bowel clean. Do not just sip the solution. It is important you drink eight ounces every 15 minutes. It does not absorb into the body, nor does it cause you to become dehydrated.
Q: Is there any way that I can make this taste better?
A: You can try sucking on hard candy (nothing bright in color) or rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash. Crystal Light packets can be added to the solution, just be sure that it remains light in color.
Q: I am taking the prep and now have loose, watery stools. Do I still need the rest of the prep?
A: Yes, you may have solid stool higher in the colon that needs to be eliminated.
Q: I drank a lot of the solution and have not gone to the bathroom yet. What should I do?
A: Keep drinking eight ounces every 15 minutes. Most people have a bowel movement after an hour, some patients may take two or more hours.
Q: I already have diarrhea before taking the prep, do I still have to take the laxative?
A: Yes, you must take the prep as directed by your doctor. Your colon is approximately six feet long. The entire colon must be emptied for your physician to see the colon clearly.
Q: I feel like vomiting and do not think I can drink anymore. What should I do?
A: It is important that you continue drinking the solution if possible. Remember that it is the large volume that helps to empty your bowel. Without a clean bowel the doctor will not be able to see the inside of your colon to complete the examination. If you do vomit, wait 30 minutes and begin drinking the solution again. You might try taking six ounces at a time rather than eight ounces. If you continue to have problems, call the after hours phone number: 541-754-1150. An operator will contact a GI physician to advise you.
Q: I see yellow color in the toilet bowl and a few flecks. What do I do?
A: If you drank all the solution or if your last bowel movements were clear enough that you were able to see to the bottom of the toilet, you should be fine. It is okay if you have some flecks of material. The yellow color is a result of bile that normally colors the feces. This should not interfere with the examination.
Q: Why avoid red liquids?
A: The red color can persist in the colon and potentially look like blood.
Q: One of the medications I was instructed to take the morning of the procedure is red. Can I take it?
A: Medications for blood pressure, heart conditions, and seizures should be taken the morning of your exam regardless of color.
Q: I have been instructed not to take anti-inflammatories or blood thinners several days before the procedure. What can I take for headaches and pain relief?
A: You may take Tylenol as directed.
Q: Can I drink alcoholic beverages?
A: We strongly suggest that you do not drink any alcoholic beverages prior to your procedure since they can cause dehydration and some wines may thin your blood.
Q: Can I chew gum or suck candy?
A: Yes, but nothing red in color or with soft centers. Stop chewing gum two hours before your arrival time the day of the colonoscopy.
Q: Can I have chicken soup?
A: You can only have the broth—no noodles, chicken, or vegetables.
Q: My bottom is so sore. What can I do?
A: To clean the area, avoid rubbing. Gently pat with a wet washcloth. Apply Vaseline, Preparation H, or Desitin liberally.
Q: Can I have my colonoscopy if I am on my menstrual period?
A: Yes, the procedure can still be performed. We ask that you use a tampon if possible.
Q: Can I brush my teeth?
A: Please do.
Q: Can I wear my dentures?
A: Yes, you may wear your dentures to the endoscopy suite. However, you may be asked to remove them prior to the procedure.
Q: I am on a fluid restriction due to problems with heart failure, is it safe to drink all this prep?
A: The fluid in this prep is formulated to flush through your intestinal tract and not absorb into your bloodstream. It is considered the safest prep for patients with a history of congestive heart failure.
Q: I am on a fluid restriction due to problems with kidney failure, is it safe to drink all this prep?
A: The fluid in this prep is formulated to flush through your intestinal tract and not absorb into your bloodstream. It is considered the safest prep for patients with a history of kidney failure.