Note: This column was originally published in the Corvallis Gazette-Times/Albany Democrat- Herald on Feb. 15, 2015. By Dr. Joyce Fusek It is estimated that as many as one-third of people with learning disabilities also have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Often children are not identified as having learning disabilities until they are adults. Therefore, such […]
Orthopedic surgeon Evans named new Surgery Center medical director
NEWS from The Corvallis ClinicFeb. 24, 2015Judy Corwin 541-754-1374 CORVALLIS — Jonathan Evans, D.O., has been named the new medical director of The Corvallis Clinic Surgery Center. Evans, an orthopedic surgeon, will replace John Murphy, DPM, on March 1. Podiatrist Murphy is stepping down after serving eight years as the center’s original medical director. “I […]
Reach and Read extends to families with limited English proficiency
The vast majority of Reach Out and Read programs nationwide serve families for whom Spanish is their first language. The Corvallis Clinic program site is one of them. “We have books in Spanish and bilingual books to give to Spanish-speaking families,” said Christy Rivers, D.O., a Clinic pediatrician. “I think families appreciate knowing that we […]
Program gets young patients off on the right reading foot
The flower-topped pen. The face of her mother, Karen. The camera and its clicking shutter. They all captivated nine-month-old Laura Roman – as did the board book from the Busy Baby series given to her to take home by her pediatrician, Kathryn McQuillan, M.D., of The Corvallis Clinic.
Sparking in patients a lifelong love of reading was the goal of McQuillan and her colleagues at The Clinic Pediatrics Department when they became a Reach Out and Read (ROR) site.
Meet Nancy
Nancy Sarpola, RN, is the last clinical research coordinator to be introduced to you via this blog. For the past several months, Nancy has been working quietly in the background supporting all of us in a variety of clinical studies. Now, it’s Nancy’s turn in the spotlight as she is enrolling not one, but two […]