With Memorial weekend just around the corner, hopefully you have read my last blog about how to get your barbecue primed and ready for grilling season. This is monumentally important before you begin your outdoor culinary ventures as it can facilitate even cooking and enhance overall flavor. If so, grab your tongs as it’s now […]
So you want to have a baby?
If you’ve made the decision to start a family within the next year or two, don’t keep it a secret from your doctor. Bring it up at your next annual exam, or if you don’t have a regular health care provider, you can make an appointment with an obstetrician/gynecologist. You and your doctor can discuss medical and family history, medications and nutrition.
Many factors affect a child’s growth
Have you ever taken your child to play at the park and found yourself sizing him up to the other children playing or wondered why he’s shorter than the other kids in his class at school or on a sports team? Starting from the moment they are born and continuing with healthy baby and annual check-ups, height and weight are measures of a child’s health we hear about most often. So it’s no surprise that parents’ concerns about a child’s growth and development are among the most common questions I’m asked as an endocrinologist. In this column I will address some of the concerns I hear most often.
Pizza Simply Homemade
Food & Fitness Fundamentals Did you realize that 93 percent of Americans eat at least one slice of pizza per month, and that 350 slices of pizza are eaten every second? For fun and interesting facts found about pizza, click here Taking the initiative to create your own pizza allows for the opportunity to use […]
National Nutrition Month® Turns 40!
Food and Fitness Fundamentals This year commemorates the 40th anniversary of National Nutrition Month®! This campaign was originally established by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (A.N.D), formerly known as the American Dietetic Association, and is the world’s largest organization for food and nutrition professionals. This is the time of year when the Academy publicly […]