Like just about every other enterprise on Earth right now, the Clinical Research Center is currently marching at a slightly slower pace. Some of our staff members were temporarily furloughed – in fact, yours truly was home for five weeks. When I mentioned to friends that I’d been furloughed from work, I discovered to […]
Clinical Trials Day
Clinical Trials Day is celebrated around the world on May 20. Clinical Research professionals (like us!) mark this day for its place in history as the beginning of modern clinical trials. In May 1747, sailors in the British Royal Navy were more likely to die of scurvy than fighting the French and Spanish navies. Aboard […]
Teaching Old Medicines New Tricks
A plethora of articles have been published recently around the idea of repurposing existing FDA-approved drugs for possible COVID-19 treatment. Talk of supercomputers working out what medications might be useful is all the rage. Unfortunately, some of this information has resulted in at least one death from folks self-administering “treatments” that, at this time, […]
Surviving Social Distancing
A message from Dr. Cara Wheeler, Psychologist at The Corvallis Clinic When I first heard about the concept of social distancing, I met this with great caution due to the mental health risk involved. Now that I understand the imperative nature of social distancing, we need to talk about how to stay mentally resilient and […]
A Primer on Vaccine Clinical Trials
By Julie Carrico, Senior Associate Coordinator with The Corvallis Clinic Clinical Research Center Given the uptick in conversations about vaccines and their development we thought we’d write an article about vaccine clinical trials since we have done a lot of them. Vaccine clinical trials, just like drug clinical trials, occur in three phases (note that […]