The choice to participate in a Clinical Research study is a personal decision and should be made after careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits of the study. Initial discussions with volunteers are interactive, and in this blog, I’m sharing questions commonly asked by study volunteers: Will it cost me anything to participate/will the […]
Clinical Research Blog
Clinical Research Center
Clinical trials are an important part of improving health care. The Corvallis Clinic's Clinical Research staff shares their insights and updates.
Sometimes a Screen Failure is Not a Failure
The background work that I must do to screen a volunteer for a study is extensive. But as I’ll explain below, the time and effort can be worth it, even if the patient doesn’t qualify for the study. First, I’ll set the stage for you. The volunteer has the condition that the clinical study is […]
Thoughts During Alzheimer's Awareness/Caregiver Month
It’s popular, especially around this time of year, to write and blog Gratitude Journals. I’ve decided I’m jumping on board. I’m grateful to have such an awesome and interesting job as a Clinical Research Coordinator. Here’s why: 1. My team – I’m grateful for my co-workers who are all caring, professional, forward thinkers; 2. Study […]
Alzheimer’s Disease: Part A
The awful A word. Anyone hearing this diagnosis for themself, a friend, or a family member can’t help but be filled with an overwhelming sense of dread. Given the graying of America’s baby boomer population, it’s hard to find an adult today whose life hasn’t been touched in some way by Alzheimer’s disease. That is […]
Meet Kim
Find out all about Kim, the Clinical Research Center’s lead coordinator for the anal fissure study, among other studies.