The GLAD technique is a tool developed for those stuck in rumination or depression. It is designed to expand upon the strengths of kindness and gratitude by turning attention to something positive. GLAD is an acronym for ways of finding joy and balance. It works by paying attention to certain positive aspects of life around […]
Cold Weather Wellness: Tips for Staying Healthy this Fall and Winter
Cold weather means the holidays, warm drinks, and, unfortunately, sickness. Learning to be proactive about health is one of the best ways to enjoy the exciting things this season brings. Taking preventative measures and paying attention to your health is more important now than ever. Let’s discuss how you can invest in your health […]
What to Expect During Your Annual Wellness Visit
Preventative medicine is a term we hear a lot now, but what does it mean? Preventative medicine refers to medical care that is centered on the idea of addressing problems before they happen. The goal behind this is to avoid costly and, possibly invasive, tests, and treatments and to promote one’s overall well-being. There are […]
5 Symptoms of ADHD: Is Your Child Suffering?
Young children can be rambunctious and have trouble taking turns. Teens sometimes don’t follow rules and ignore directions. These behaviors are age-appropriate and part of normal development, and also possible signs of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Below are the common symptoms of ADHD. Inattentiveness/Lack of Focus Children with ADHD may daydream and struggle to focus […]
Surviving Social Distancing
A message from Dr. Cara Wheeler, Psychologist at The Corvallis Clinic When I first heard about the concept of social distancing, I met this with great caution due to the mental health risk involved. Now that I understand the imperative nature of social distancing, we need to talk about how to stay mentally resilient and […]