Food and Fitness Fundamentals In spite of this year’s delayed start to the growing season, tomatoes finally reached their peak of harvest. Along with now having an abundance of picked ripened tomatoes from your garden, you can also still salvage the remaining ones on the vine if picked soon and stored properly. Ideally, the perfect […]
Corvallis Clinic Health Information Blog
Plan your plate for health
Food and Fitness Fundamentals When the U.S. Department of Agriculture and The Department of Health and Human Services release new Dietary Guidelines for Americans every five years, the recommendations have historically been for a healthy population. But with 68 percent of Americans being overweight or obese, including 20 percent of children ages 6-11 who are […]
Food Poisoning is No Picnic
Food and Fitness Fundamentals With summer just around the corner, so comes the anticipation for the classic outdoor barbeque or picnic. Warm and sunny days are a perfect time to pack up a basket and head out for a long energetic hike, a day at the beach, or a nice relaxing afternoon in the park. […]
The True Meaning of Organic
Knowing the difference between organic and conventionally grown foods can be confusing. Both organic and conventional foods provide vitamins, minerals, fiber, along with being low in sodium and essentially fat free and contain no cholesterol. But are organic foods more nutritious, safer or better for you? Understanding the true meaning of organic may provide more […]
The Dirty Dozen vs Clean 15
Food and Fitness Fundamentals Do you often find yourself pondering organic versus conventional produce when shopping at the grocery store? If you are eating non –organic celery today, you may be ingesting up to 67 pesticides, according to a recent report from the Environmental Working Group, a non- profit organization of scientists, researchers and policymakers […]