Recently a large portion of Oregon has experienced a climate of HOT HOT HOT! For me this brings to mind using smoothies to beat the heat. Smoothies come in all types and flavors and can be consumed year around. Basic varieties include fruit such as berries, bananas and oranges; ice cream and yogurt preparations, and […]
Corvallis Clinic Health Information Blog
Strawberries! Every meal is an opportunity!
June is definitely the time to start enjoying fresh local strawberries in the Willamette Valley! Friends and family are seen hustling to nearby farmers markets and street-side fruit stands purchasing flats of these mouthwatering fresh berries, then racing home to make delicious jams, jellies and of course strawberry shortcake! But it doesn’t need to stop […]
Visibility and Research Education in the Community
An important goal for the Clinical Research Center is to be visible in our community. To help achieve this goal, the research department has attended local community health events such as the Diabetes Fair held at The Corvallis Clinic, OSU Gerontology Conference, Healthy Living Expo in Corvallis, and Live Well Expo in Albany. We will […]
The Power of Protein
With so many fad diets in the news claiming to do “this or that”… it’s no wonder people are often confused as to what to eat. When feeling uncertain and dismayed, I typically recommend “everything in moderation” until more knowledge is gained. Once you have the facts and a plan in hand, you can fine […]
Skin treatment may help you feel better about yourself
Remember “Fernando,” the Billy Crystal character from the Saturday Night Live skit “Fernando’s Hideaway?” With his coiffed silver hair and unique Spanish-accented inflections, the smarmy yet likeable Fernando always advised that it was “better to look good than to feel good.” (If you don’t know what we are talking about, click here for a short […]