The Clinical Research Center is active in many diverse clinical areas. A sampling of research topics includes allergy (grass pollen, dust mites), neurology (Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis), sleep (apnea, restless legs syndrome), pulmonary medicine (COPD) and women’s health (pre-eclampsia, fibroids). It often happens that once a study is completed in a particular clinical area, several […]
Corvallis Clinic Health Information Blog
Apples – Harvesting the Bounty of Fall
Oh how I love the changing of the seasons! Upon awakening each morning, I glance out my bedroom window and
quickly take note of what the outside weather might bring. Seeing the green summer leaves now quickly turning into a beautiful array of fall hues instantly brings a smile to my face and puts a jump in my step.
Meet Kim
Find out all about Kim, the Clinical Research Center’s lead coordinator for the anal fissure study, among other studies.
Winterizing Your Edible Garden
By following these few simple steps, you can put your edible garden to bed for the winter, and at the same time have a head start toward an enjoyable and hopefully more carefree springtime planting.
Welcome to the Clinical Research Center Blog
The Clinical Research Center was the brainchild of a few Corvallis Clinic physicians 15 years ago. These doctors wanted to participate in bringing new treatments to their patients.