ACTIVITIES: In order to prevent swelling, you should not do anything strenuous for the first 48 hours. You should rest, elevate your leg as much as possible, and use an ice pack for 30 minutes several times a day.
EXERCISES: The large thigh muscle will shrink in size and weaken quite rapidly unless you exercise it. Begin exercising your knee the day after surgery. The best exercise to do is:
• Straighten your knee as much as possible and clench the thigh muscle tightly.
• Hold it clenched for 5 seconds and then relax.
• Repeat this exercise at least 10 times every hour.
• Do at least 100 tightenings per day to keep tone and strength in the muscle.
Straighten and bend your knee as much as comfort allows 10 times every hour until full bending motion is regained.
BANDAGES: If there is an ace wrap around your foot and ankle, it may be removed the first day after surgery. On the second day, remove the ace wrap and the dressing around the knee. Dried blood or drainage on the bandages in normal. If you have stitches, leave them in place—they will be removed in the office. If the incisions are dry, you may shower. No tub baths, hot tubs or swimming until we see you in the office. After showering, pat the area dry and place clean Band-Aids over the incisions. Change the Band-Aids daily. If you have significant swelling, re-apply the ace wrap daily until your first appointment.
CRUTCHES: You may discontinue the use of crutches when you can walk comfortably and without much of a limp. You may put as much weight on your leg as pain allows. Do not do any running or athletic until you are cleared to do so.
MEDICATIONS: I have given you a narcotic for pain. Follow the instructions on the bottle. Nausea may be prevented by taking the medicine with food.
WARNING SIGNS: If you have any of the following, call my office 541-754-1276.
• Pain unrelieved by medication or worsening pain
• Nausea and vomiting you cannot control
• Fever over 100.0 after the first 48 hours
• Persistent drainage from the incisions (some spotting is normal on the bandage for the first 5 days)
• Increasing redness around the incisions
FOLLOW-UP: You need a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks. If this has not already been scheduled, please call the office and do so.
541-754-1276 Office
541-754-1150 after hour’s number