Glenn Huerta-Enochian, MD
Accepting new patients
Dr. Huerta-Enochian has practiced medicine for 30 years. No longer providing surgical or obstetrical services, he focuses on office Gynecology, helping women with their gynecological concerns. He is particularly interested in menopause, endocrinology, prevention, and wellness. Dr. Huerta-Enochian enjoys providing the time to educate his patients and listen to their concerns to improve their health.
Language(s) - English
Oregon Health & Science University, 1987
M.D., University of California at Davis, 1983
American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Patient Ratings
The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on the Patient Satisfaction Survey.
Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Comments From Patients
Dr. E is very smart & caring. He asks how I’m doing and listens to my answer. He’s a medical detective who won’t stop til the mystery is solved. He treats the whole person not just the female parts. He also respects my other healthcare providers.
Dr. Huerta-Enochian is utterly incredible. He listens, he cares, and he takes the time to truly analyze medical issues and provide insightful recommendations. He’s the best doctor I’ve ever had, and I now have real, justifiable hope to have a baby.
Dr. Enochian ALWAYS goes the extra mile for his patients!
Couldn’t ask for a more caring, sincere provider.
Dr. Enochian is consistently the best healthcare provider I have ever had. Ever since I was young I have had issues related to my feminine health, and Dr. Enochian is the first to get to the bottom of what is going on. I now have a diagnosis and plan of action that I fully understand and am excited to carry out. He really takes the time to explain what is going on in terms of my health and why the course of treatment we are taking is going to help. I have never felt so confident and excited about having my health in my own hands.
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