KC Stewart, PT, DPT
Physical Therapy
Accepting new patients
Ms. Stewart specializes in orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation, geriatrics, sports injuries, gait and balance training, post-op recovery, and treating low back pain.
Language(s) - English
Before joining The Clinic, she worked as an acute care and inpatient physical therapist at McKenzie-Willamette Hospital in Springfield. Previously, she managed a physical therapy and athletic training clinic at Oregon State University’s Student Health Services and worked as an outpatient physical therapist at Health In Industry in Albany.
Ms. Stewart enjoys many activities with her family, including biking, hiking, and camping. She is also a competitive triathlete.
Doctor of Physical Therapy, Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR, 2002
Licensed Physical Therapist
Patient Ratings
The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on the Patient Satisfaction Survey.
Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Comments From Patients
KC Stewart is an excellent physical therapist. She knows what she is doing and makes the patient feel at ease. She is a taskmaster but in a nice way.
She asked a lot of good questions and listened well. She then adjusted the therapy accordingly. Great job!
I appreciate KC Stewart giving me exercise specific to my needs, as well as for general body health. Her printout of instructions always include all the exercises, which are good visual aids.
I have a chronic pain condition for which I see this provider regularly. I have never had better or more knowledgeable care than I receive from her. Many PT’s do not know about the course of treatment that KC provides – I am very pleased to finally be making some progress. I will never recover, but with regular care, I can keep the pain at bay and function pretty normally.
The provider was very professional and showed concern for the whole person.