Most of us wish that we were more physically fit. But, for many of us, the challenge is not the workout itself: the challenge is finding the motivation to get back into a fitness routine. Once you are in a consistent routine and have been for a few weeks, it is much easier to maintain. But how do we get to that point?
Below is a list of fitness motivators:
- Create tangible rewards: No vague rewards like “better health.” Set something simple like a treat or movie to enjoy after you work out. By doing this, you will slowly create an “extrinsic reward”: your brain will link the reward to the behavior. Motivation eventually becomes intrinsic as the brain associates sweat and soreness with the surge of endorphins (ultimately, the workout will be the reward).
- Commitment contract: Sign a commitment contract in front of others. We are much less likely to break from a commitment when it is known to others. Create penalties for breaking the contract that holds you accountable.
- Supporting cast: Try to find people that will support you working out. Support can be friends you go to the gym with or people that will message to encourage you.
- Rethink positive thinking: Identify your goals. Figure out what is holding you back from your fitness goals and make a plan to help you overcome them. Too tired for the gym after work? Try morning workouts.
- Goals: Write down your fitness goals and consult the list often. Define your “why” for working out, both for the present and the future. What does working out today do for you (reduce stress, time to yourself)? What do you hope your workouts will accomplish in the future (sports benefits, better body, more confidence)? Track your progress as you go, allowing you to both read and see your results.
- Active distraction: Many of us struggle with doing enough cardio. A great way to get your cardio in is to watch a TV show or movie you like. By the time your show is over, you will have a cardio workout done and may not even realize it!
- Delete guilt: This is a big one. Do not feel guilty if you miss some workouts here and there. We all do. Things come up; sometimes, we are too tired and need to rest.
Getting into a fitness routine is often the most challenging part of working out. However, once fitness becomes a routine part of your daily life, it will no longer seem like a chore. If none of the above items help you on your fitness journey, try talking with friends or schedule with a personal trainer. We all can reach our fitness goals. We just have to figure out how to get there.
Looking to get in more physical activity? We are excited to announce The Corvallis Clinic’s 3rd annual Run for the Health of It 5K!
When: Saturday, October 2nd, 2021 – 8:30 AM
Where: The Corvallis Clinic Asbury Building, 3680 NW Samaritan Dr., Corvallis
Learn more and register online at All proceeds will benefit local high school athletic departments.