Your personal weight loss team — led by a registered dietitian and a board-certified physician — will assess your medical condition and help you establish your weight loss goals.
They’ll work with you to develop a nutrition, exercise, and if necessary, medical regimen to achieve your goals at a pace that’s right for you. And they’ll monitor your progress, and be there to support you, from start to success.
Nutritional Counseling With A Registered Dietitian
Every personalized program at The Corvallis Clinic Weight Loss Center features counseling on eating healthier and making new habits stick.
You will become mindful of the way, when and why you eat. You’ll get tips on foods, ideas for menus, and tools to track your progress. You’ll find support to move beyond the patterns that have been keeping you from the weight loss you desire.
Exercise Guidance From A Board-Certified Specialist
If appropriate for you and your goals, your weight loss team leader may refer you to the exercise experts in The Corvallis Clinic’s Physical Therapy department. They can tailor a safe and effective exercise program for you that will not only help you lose weight but also help you increase your strength and improve your cardiovascular endurance. In addition, your weight loss team leader can refer you to an expert in The Clinic’s Behavioral Health department. They can help you with behavior modifications to support your weight loss efforts.